Suppertime! Vegan pizza

Tonight, I am making vegan pizza. Strangely, it's the first time I've tried it, even though it's probably one of the easiest vegan dinners to make.
I used one loaf of frozen pizza dough. (I took out of the freezer this morning and let it thaw/rise on an oiled plate with oiled plastic wrap over it.) I pressed the dough into a baking pan and let it rest a bit. (I have nicer baking pans, I swear, and I also have a baking stone. However, the pro-grade pans are too big, and the stone is too small, so I used this perfectly sized cookie sheet instead.) Then I baked it for around 10 minutes on the lowest rack of my oven set at 375 degrees.
Then, I made my pizza sauce. You could definitely use jarred, but I didn't have any, so I used this:
2 largeish tomatoes, blanched, skinned, and quartered
1/4 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
tomato paste
Heat the olive oil and cook the onions, garlic, and spices for about five minutes. Add the tomatoes and salt and cook it all for another five minutes. Then, put it in a blender and blend until smooth. Return to the pot, add the tomato paste, and simmer until you're ready to use it.
Once my crust was ready I topped it with the sauce. Then I added a layer of thinly-sliced red potatoes; then sprinkled one package of Boca Burger Crumbles over that; the added some diced onion; then a layer of thinly-sliced zucchini; then sprinkled some olives on top.
I baked the whole thing for 30 minutes.
Verdict: It was really good! I would change a couple of things, though. I would put the zucchini on the bottom and the potatoes on the top. I would also add a sprinkle of Italian seasoning on the sauce, after I've spread it on the crust. I thought I had put enough in the sauce when I made it, but I guess not, and I usually add another sprinkle on my normal pizzas, so I should do it this time, too.
I think this would be really good with highly-flavored vegetables, such as carmelized onions, marinated artichokes, or roasted red peppers. Yum!
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